Saturday, September 19, 2009

New Back-To-School Skin on the MB!

Hey Girls!

Liz (the admin of the MB) just made a new MB skin! :D It is a back-to-school skin, starring FelicityFairy's photo because she won the photo contest! :) It is a cute and awesome skin, so hop onto the message board and check it out! :D

Also, something very popular going on right now is the thread "Dolls Talk Here". So, if your doll would like to talk to the rest of our's, she can go right ahead! :)



  1. Wow! Awesome blog!I have 3 AG dolls and their names are Josefina,Nelly and Ruthie.
    here's Josefina right now.

    Josefina: Hola my name is Josefina and I am not easily annoyed,But it drives me loco when Hannah's sister says my name wrong.Kit really needs to talk to her about that.

  2. Hi! I have 4 dolls and I really like this blog!

  3. I love this blog! Very cool too!


  4. Hi! I really like your blog. I am now following it. Please check out my blog at:

    Very cool blog!
